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  • Wszewłod Sarnecki

Born in 1936. He studied at the High School of Artistic Crafts in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. In 1953, he managed to join the family that was sent to Polish as part of the repatriation. He worked in the Table Porcelite Plant ''Tułowice'' in Tułowice. Then, in 1965, he graduated from the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass of the State Higher School of Fine Arts (currently: E. Geppert Academy of Fine Arts) in Wrocław. In the years 1964 – 1973 he worked as the chief designer in Krosno Glassworks. He created a modern workshop consisting of a trained team of metallurgists. He cooperated with the Minex Foreign Trade Centre, which enabled him to travel around the world. He achieved spectacular effects, his works are a perfect example of artistic glass created in an industrial plant. He has been awarded many times, won m.in Golden Mercury for Krosno Glassworks in the field of design and aesthetics of industrial production. He designed m.in the so-called Olympic kits for the Olympics in Mexico (1968) and  Munich (1972). The works of Wszewilko Sarnecki have been exhibited in Poland and abroad and are in Polish and foreign collections.

I invite you to watch and buy the works of Wszewlod Sarnecki, which I offer in my shop.